Sex Gets Real 181: Erotic art and photography with Maggie West

An updated Patreon you say? Why yes. Yes it is. Check out the sweet new rewards. For the past few months, one of my favorite things on Instagram has been Maggie West’s gorgeous nude photo series for Amber Rose’s Slut Walk. The colors, the confidence, the variety of bodies. So, of course, I had to invite her on because her …

Sex Gets Real 180: Fisting, platonic kink, sex labs & more with Bex Caputo

An updated Patreon you say? Why yes. Yes it is. Check out the sweet new rewards (that I can actually deliver). What happens when two sex educators get together and geek out? You get this spanking new episode featuring Bex Caputo from the Dildorks podcast. If ever there was an episode that covered all the things, it’s this one. We …

Sex Gets Real 178: Yes, I have herpes with Dr. Sheila Loanzon

What happens when you get a herpes diagnosis? And more importantly, what happens if you begin hiding that you have herpes? Dr. Sheila Loanzon, an OBGYN who gives amazing PAP smears, is here to talk about her very personal story and new book, “Yes, I Have Herpes.” From advice on how to deal to details about what herpes really is, …

Sex Gets Real 177: Thriving in sex work with Lola Davina

How can you thrive as a sex worker, navigating the fact that you have no real safety while also performing erotic fantasies and sex at the same time? How can you care for yourself as clients bring in their pain, shame, and fear and expect you to heal them? Lola Davina is here to help us answer those questions and …

Sex Gets Real 78: Women & porn, plus pink Viagra

Pegging, porn, and prostitution. A listener wrote in with a terrific message and mentioned pegging. Which sent us off on a bender about butt sex. Then, Dawn and Dylan talk about the new pink Viagra pill and why that name is so misleading. Flibanserin/Addyi is not what they’re claiming it is, and there are better ways for most people to …